Progressive Street

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Greetings from India 5

Hi everybody!

On March 5th my plan was to go early to the Gallif Street Pet Market, which is only open on Sundays. The very good streetie Santanu Dey had given me his secret tip: - Don't miss it!
After my now regular bus ride to Esplanade, I realized the metro wasn't open yet. Maybe it starts later on Sundays...
I got a cab instead, going past some sidewalk markets with wares mostly on the ground.
The pet market turned out to have flowers, too. The most common pets being fish and birds. I walked through it slowly, twice, venturing out to some adjoining lanes as well.
By now I thought I would go to the Barabazar area, where I had made plans to meet up with Progressive-Street photographer Shubhodeep Roy. 
We had a good long walk and talk together going towards where the Rolls Royce Holi parade was supposed to be coming from. It was supposed to start at 11 am, but it was a bit of an anti-climax, since it didn't turn up before 4 pm. By then we were so hungry we had to go eat before Shubhodeep had to go back to work.

I was also really tired and dehydrated by then and even worse: my hip trouble from back in 2020 was coming back with a vengeance.

So on March 6th, I just rested, took some anti-inflammatory painkillers and did a few very light exercises. By evening I felt a bit better and could make it down the five flights of stairs and go get some dinner and supplies.

Today is March 7th, the hip is better still, although not well yet. I will now go out and get lunch and later meet Shubhodeep for a shorter photo walk and a chat afterwards.

All the photos are from the pet market area. I will save my moments with Shubhodeep for a later episode.

Be well!